
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Day in the life of the Ramptons: Vol 3

Last year my schedule was so different than the year before. This year, it's about the same! Just with a little more chaos!

4:30 AM: Bobby wakes up and leaves for work. He's been doing this 6 days/week for about 4 months now. NOT easy, bless his heart. I rarely even hear him leave, except when he's missing his keys, Army hat, ID badge, etc.

6:30 AM: One of boys wakes up. Usually Rocky, but when Rocky sleeps in, Troy wakes up early. A half hour later the other wakes. Nursing in bed, breakfast, change diapers, brush teeth. Start a load of laundry. Clean my room, then lock it for the rest of the day so Troy can't get in.

8:30 AM: Rocky goes down for nap #1. Troy begins his mess making. I clean up the kitchen, shower, read my scripture, water the plants, plan my grocery shopping. Tue & Thurs Haley Meecham and I do Insanity.

11-2 Shopping, playing, play group, chores, facetime with Chelsea and my mom. Lunch. Hang dry clothes.

2:30 PM: Nap #2 for Rocky and #1 for Troy. I do stuff on the computer and start dinner.

4:00 PM: Daniel Tiger and nursing. Keep dinner going. Troy plays outside. Usually boy clothes come off at this point.

5:30 PM: Dinner and walk to the park in the stroller. Get the mail.

7:00 PM: Rocky goes to bed. Watch American Idol, the Bachelor or Survivor and fold laundry. Dad comes home, eats dinner and plays with Troy.

8:30 PM: Troy goes to bed. Mom cleans up and plans tomorrow. Dad does things for AMD or his blog.

11:00 PM: Mom and dad go to bed.

Sundays: Church (usually just us 3) at 9:00
Mondays: FHE
Tuesdays & Thursdays: Workout with Haley
Wednesdays: Mutual for dad, YM leader
Saturdays: Garage sale shopping often

1 comment:

  1. Love this Jess! Just a day in the life of the Ramptons!
